'3 Back Exercises For Skinny Guys / HARDGAINERS!'

10:08 Jan 15, 2023
'(0:22)- HARDGAINERS / SKINNY GUYS - FULL VIDEO PLAYLIST! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLacPhVACI3MPznswtcCZslN5zIcggcdX0 (3:50)- How To: Beginner Pull-Up Progressions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAEua0zu_74&list=PLacPhVACI3MPmdZvXralM2yDlAFdJObWC&index=11  *READ FULL ARTICLE WITH PHOTOS* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Three-Back-Exercises-Skinny-Guys-Hardgainers  The next installment of the STRETCH-FLEX-OVERLOAD series has arrived! This workout is going to shred every muscle fiber to help you build a wider and thicker back. Remember, this advanced technique was specifically designed to help YOU hardgainers build muscle by creating a stronger mind-muscle connection, but anyone can take advantage of this technique to bust through a muscle building plateau.  For the routine, you’re going to be performing a triset of 3 different exercises. The first exercise will place the majority of the resistance during the negative when the back is a fully stretched. The second exercise will place the most resistance on the back when fully flexed.  Then, after your back has been pre-exhausted with those two specific movements, the third exercise will place the maximum load possible on every single muscle fiber in your back when we know that they’ll be at their weakest point and do the majority of the work, rather than the biceps taking over the movement.  So basically, the first two exercises will help establish a stronger mind-muscle connection, and the third one will destroy the back using as much weight as possible.  Stretch: Pull-Up The reason we’re starting with a pull-up for the stretch is because what we want to do after every single repetition is sit in that dead hang position for one second before performing the next repetition. Our goal here isn’t to go as fast as we possibly can for this exercise, our goal is to focus on the stretch, really feel those lats stretch out, and the only way you can do that is with a dead hang.  Now don’t worry, if you can’t do pull-ups, there are some alternatives you can do. First, let’s go over proper form for pull-ups. You’re going to jump up, grab the bar, and hang there. You should sit there for a second or two, and really get a feeling for what a dead hang feels like, especially in your lats. If you don’t feel a nice tight pull in your lats, you’re not doing a dead hang properly. Now that you’re in position, you’ll pull yourself up, so that your chin just goes above the bar, then all the way back down into your dead hang position, which you will hold for one second.  For those of you who can’t do 8-10 pull-ups, or can’t complete all sets on your own, once you fatigue you’re going to do assisted pull-ups. All you need is a resistance band, which you wrap around the bar and your feet, or you can use an assisted pull-up machine if your gym has one. If you are using a band, make sure the band isn’t too tight that you can’t stretch all the way to the bottom of your dead hang position. It should have just enough resistance to help you perform your reps. You can also check out my Pull-Up Progression video for more tips and tricks.  Lastly, if your band is too tight that you can’t get a full stretch, or you are just completely fatigued and can’t do any more pull-ups, I want you to grab a dip belt, put as much weight as you can handle on there, and just hang from the bar in a dead hang position. Here you should simply hold the stretched position for 20-30 seconds max, and do 8-10 reps of that.  Flex: Seated Low Row The way you’re going to perform this exercise is going to be very different to overloading. The goal is to focus on the flex, and once you’re into that flexed position, you’re going to hold it for two seconds before going into the next repetition. To get into position, sit on the row bench with your feet on the foot holds, and your hands grabbing the handle attachment which has your hands close together (you can also use an attachment with two separate handles which keeps your hands close together as well). Then slide yourself back on the bench so that you have a slight bend in your knees, and your arms are straight.  What you’re not going to do is start leaning forward and using momentum to thrust the weight back. If you are, it means you’re using weight that’s too heavy, and you won’t be able to do the two second hold.   *CONTINUE READING HERE* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Three-Back-Exercises-Skinny-Guys-Hardgainers  Program Selector -  Get The Right Program For You! - https://muscularstrength.com/Program-Selector ---------------------------------------- Subscribe To My Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness ---------------------------------------- 1 on 1 Online Coaching - http://muscularstrength.com/consultations  ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! https://muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- MORE TIPS! - https://www.instagram.com/ScottHermanFitness' 

Tags: fitness , workouts , bodybuilding , skinny fat , guys , fat , exercises , back , skinny , Bodybuilder , weight training , back workout , back exercises , how to get a big back , back workouts , best back workout , workout for back , lats workout , lower back exercises , back exercise , back workout for mass , ectomorph , wide back , lat workout , hardgainer crew , Scott Herman Back , Exercises For Back , ScottHermanFitness back , thick back , Hardgainers , skinny hardgainers , hardgainers back , skinny guys back

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